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3 cikk a(z) Jobs címkével - 1. oldal

How to Land Your Dream Data Engineer Job

7 hónapja In technology’s ever-changing world, the demand for competent data engineers continues to rise. With organizations striving to harness the power of data for informed decision-making, a role such as this must be included. Landing a dream data engineer job calls for proper planning and incorporation of technical expertise, problem-solving capabilities, and good communication skills. Teljes cikk...

Jobs are available, all we need are workers

5 hónapja 31% of domestic employers plan to expand their workforce in the first quarter of 2024, while 21% predict a reduction, according to a survey by Manpower. IT, finance and real estate are the sectors most likely to see the biggest increases. "There is a shortage of around 20,000 workers with the right digital skills on the labour market," Krisztina Tajthy, secretary general of the IVSZ, told HR Portal. What are companies doing to alleviate the shortage? What does the closure of the Green Fox programming school signal? Teljes cikk...

Indulhat a Facebook álláskeresője

8 éve Gyorsan kihúzhatja a LinkedIn alól a szőnyeget a Facebook, ha elindítja saját álláskeresős és álláskínálós megoldását, a Jobst. A cégnek minden rendelkezésére áll, hogy ezt sikerre vigye - írja a hwsw.hu. Teljes cikk...